Den neste Nordiske FORSA-konferansen er allerede nå i juni 2024. Den foregår i Göteborg, og har fått tittelen «Creating pathways towards social justice». Datoene er 17.-19. juni 2024. Arrangørene beskriver temaet slik: “In the midst of ongoing ecological, economic and political crises, the aim of this conference is to explore contemporary challenges and debates across the fields of social work in order to envision how social work can act as a catalyst for change. If social work is to credibly invoke values and ideals such as social justice, human rights, equality, and freedom from socially imposed oppression, we need to find ways of creating explicit spaces and practices of emancipation. It is important that such aspirations can be articulated and claimed as part of the struggle for a more inclusive democracy.”

Fristen for innsending av abstract er dessverre gått ut. Men man kan melde seg på konferansen i lang tid framover. «Early bird» fristen utløper 15. april. Du kan lese mer om konferansen her:

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